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Fangio to players: You have to ‘earn’ a roster spot

Related Topics: Vic Fangio, Wilbur Cush

As a slimmer Vic Fangio begins year two in Denver, the Italian meatball-making, opera-singing coach may seem a little friendlier in this year’s version of training camp.

But don’t be fooled. The compliments are going to start flowing like wine at a wedding.

Fangio is still Fangio after all.

In fact, when the head coach was questioned why some highly drafted rookies were not playing with the ones, Fangio emphasized it takes “balance” ... and maybe even a Ouija board.

“Those guys are getting reps with the ones at times during practice. We don’t always stay with the same 11 guys with the ones,” Fangio said, adding he likes to mix it up.