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Drew Pearson replaces Santa Claus as Philly’s most hated

Drew Pearson knew he was going to get booed.

After all, it was Philadelphia, the town that booed Santa Claus.

Philadelphia, whose Eagles fans once epically buried Jimmy Johnson and the hated Dallas Cowboys beneath an avalanche of snowballs.

Philly, whose fans cheered in 1999 when Michael Irvin suffered a career-ending neck injury and lay motionless on the Veterans Stadium turf.

Philadelphia, home of the same people who in 1983 ambushed the Redskins’ costumed faux mascot, Chief Zee, ripping off his headdress and breaking his leg.

Pearson, an icon of the Eagles’ long bitter rivalry with the Cowboys, knew what was waiting for him as he prepared to step to the podium Friday night and announce Dallas’ second-round draft pick.