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Bob Sturm's morning after: Cowboys rookies put on a show; what to make of RBs

Thankfully, in less than a month, odds are that your memories of last night in San Diego will be completely gone from your brain, and that is ok, because I am not sure there is much worth spending too much time saving for future reference.

The fact is that this is preseason game #1, a time where coaches install nothing more to their game-plan than the most basic ideas and objectives and want to see those players down the roster competing at a level that exceeds anything they have seen so far in practice.

The fact that the date was August 13th and the opening night will be September 13th should remind us that this was a level up from an ordinary practice – there will be live contact and that can put a player’s well-being in jeopardy – but, several levels below what will be seen in one month’s time.