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Mike Pettine analyzes Cleveland Browns 53-man roster

The Browns on Saturday took the next big step toward their 2015 season opener against the New York Jets by reducing the roster from 75 players to the NFL-mandated 53.

The Browns terminated the contracts of two veterans: OL Eric Olsen and QB Thaddeus Lewis.

Cleveland waived 20 others: QB Pat Devlin, RB Shaun Draughn, RB Timothy Flanders, WR Darius Jennings, WR Josh Lenz, WR Vince Mayle, OL Andrew McDonald, OL Erle Ladson, OL Vinston Painter, OL Karim Barton, OL Darrian Miller, DL Dylan Wynn, DL Jacobbi McDaniel, LB Mike Reilly, DB Kendall James, DB Robert Nelson, DB Joe Rankin, LB Hayes Pullard, DB De’Ante Saunders and DB Landon Feichter.