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Clayton Picks All the Week Five Games Correctly: The MC Hammer Edition

As the Cincinnati Bearcats continue their winning ways, so do I.

Last Week: 10-4

Season to Date: 42-21

Our Game

Cincinnati (4-0) at UConn (1-3)

“To whomever thinks he is the king, the prince or whatever of hip-hop, M.C. Hammer is in effect and will take all titles one at a time or all at once” – M.C. Hammer, liner notes of Feel My Power, his 1988 debut album.

Final Score: Cincinnati 36 UConn 7

NCAA Football: Tulane at Memphis

The Rest of the American Athletic Conference

Memphis (3-1) at Tulane (1-3)

The 1988 birth of Billy Idol’s son greatly affected his songwriting.