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The simulated Cubs manager Brandon Palmer speaks again

Well hey! It’s Friday, and that means another round with Chicago simCubs skipper Brandon Palmer Eldritch, the cagy and literate field general of the first-place-by-miles club, who are about to face the second-place-by-miles club in a weekend Perky Pat playset.

Whether you prefer Choo-Z or Can-D, or have no idea what I’m talking about, Palmer Eldritch is the man of the hour, if the hour is that time between 4 am and dawn, and he is a better pitchman than Dock Ellis.

We have already established that Palmer is an intellectual with pretensions ranging from Belgian noir to American art forms like comic books and jazz, so it will come as little surprise to anyone to learn that he is fond of the works of Philip K Dick, as is yours truly, who is high-functioning autistic and identifies with Manfred Steiner from Martian Time-Slip.