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Ex-Chelsea player Gary Johnson wants further compensation from club

Gary Johnson insists the £50,000 he received from Chelsea as compensation for alleged sexual abuse suffered at the hands of former chief scout Eddie Heath is "not enough for the pain and suffering" he has experienced.

Last week Johnson, who joined the Blues as an 11-year-old in 1970 and played for the first team from 1978 to 1981, went public to tell the story of his treatment by Heath, who worked at Stamford Bridge as chief scout from 1968 to 1979 and died in the early-1980s.

He did so after Chelsea waived the confidentiality clause in the original compensation agreement, and the club's board subsequently issued a statement apologising "profusely" for Johnson's suffering while acknowledging that the inclusion of provisions that prevented either party from speaking out about Heath or the settlement was "inappropriate in this instance.