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‘Life in prison isn’t a life’: A Nevada inmate whose execution was delayed is found dead in apparent suicide

Anticipating his death by lethal injection last summer, Scott Dozier said he didn't expect the end of his life to have any higher significance.

"I don't have any grand expectations," he told the Las Vegas Review-Journal in a brief, prison-monitored phone call in July 2018. "I think it's just done. I think it's just black."

Besides, the convicted double murderer said, the alternative was hardly so meaningful. “Life in prison isn’t a life,” he said. He urged the state to go ahead: “If people say they’re going to kill me, get to it.

Dozier, 48, was found dead Saturday at Ely State Prison — not in the new, $860,000 execution chamber where he had once been scheduled to die, but rather in his cell.