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Record Watch : Kent State

Kent’s offense has me worried, their defense? not so much. Whether or not UB’s going to prevail against the flashes will probably hinge on the secondary. Because while Kent State is very hard to stop, they’ve not dont a great job stopping anyone.

So who can move up with a big day?


JPAT: So a big day by Patterson puts Oliver’s all time record on the radar. I still think catching Branden Oliver this year is not in the cards for Jaret Patterson. But I’m not as sure as I was last week and it’s not outlandish to think he can average:

  • 233 Yards a game (If UB does not win the east and does not bowl)
  • 172 Yards a game (If UB does not win the east but does bowl)
  • 138 Yards a game (If UB wins the east, playing in the MACC, and Bowls)

Marks: Kevin Marks has some more moving up to do this year, for sure.