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Red Sox 3, Tampa Bay 2–in 12: Happy Opening Day Part 2!

So the Sox got to do Opening Day a 2nd time in 7 days–but in a MUCH better place–both figuratively and literally. Back home to the Fens for some home cooking, and a 5-1 record to kick off the season (should’ve have been unbeaten–looking at you Joe Kelly and Carson Smith), as well as #1 in the AL East (any day that happens is a good day…)

And the Sox faithful got a win on Opening day, extra innings, and to see David Ortiz team up with Olympic gold medal gymnast Aly Reisman yell “Play Ball!” but from what I heard from my friend Paul in Boston, today was a fracking FREEZING day to go to the ballpark…

We also talked about his concerns with their lack of hitting thus far.