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New Celtics no chickens: Rookies take on Canobie Lake rides

Nothing will put a smile on your face like seeing a couple of soon-to-be Celtics hit up Canobie Lake Park, as rookie forwards Abdel Nader and Guerschon Yabusele did yesterday.

The roster newbies — along with Celtics co-owner/president of the Shamrock Foundation Stephen Pagliuca and Shamrock Foundation CEO Mary McGeown — spent the day at the New Hampshire amusement park with a group of kids from the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

While the ballers were there, the Rowdy Roosters ride saw some action. Nader, Yabusele and Pagliuca each buddied up with a child and crammed into a poultry-shaped compartment that sent them flying through the air.