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Video: Perry Jones talks about his opportunity with the Celtics

4 mins agoJr_mxmv: I came across bear the other day lol
6 mins agoSpaceman: no sharks, wheres the fun in that lol
7 mins agoJr_mxmv: in the lake I am now there's only small fish - perches and small pikes
10 mins agoSkematik-6 Yrs No Center: but woke up late lol
11 mins agoSkematik-6 Yrs No Center: yea I was gonna go fishing today at the lake across the street
16 mins agoJr_mxmv: swam total of 4 miles
16 mins agoJr_mxmv: was hangin with girl today, she asked me "was it you who was screaming like idiot yesterday?