Chat New England Podcast, Episode 7: A Meatloaf Song.

Like a $5.99 Chinese Buffet or a Meatloaf power ballad, this week's episode of the Chat New England Podcast offers you more than you could ever expect or want from a single sitting.  You might feel bloated or overwhelmed by the end, but we hope you enjoy the process.

In today's episode we'll hit on Lenny Dykstra's legal issues (here's the 2009 ESPN article I referenced), we'll wrap up the NBA finals, we'll give you our first ever halftime musical interlude, we'll explore our relationship with professional hockey, we'll talk about how free agency might be different under the NFL's new CBA, we'll talk about who the Patriots might be targeting to improve their pass rush, and we'll celebrate my anniversary.  Yup.

Here is this week's humble offering:



Note: if you can't finish because you don't have time, please speed ahead to the final 3 minutes.  In the end, we went so long that our musical exit just began and I could no longer record.  We give a final thought, the music starts, and the last words you hear from us will be Babcock saying, "we did it man, we broke the machine."  Made for the perfect ending that we never could have planned.


Thanks to our listeners Alex and Mike for their suggestions and questions.  Please check out our facebook pages (ChatCelts and ChatPats) and leave your suggestions.  Also, please be sure to subscribe to us on itunes (search "Chat New England Podcast").

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