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Zach Senyshyn scores a through the legs goal against the Sudbury Wolves

Zach Senyshyn's Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds were down early in the period after Dmitri Sokolov scored just 5:39 into the first period. Less than a minute later, Senyshyn took the stretch pass and went through his legs to beat the Wolves goaltender Zack Bowman.

Here is the clip, there was no other replay shown. But the Soo's twitter wouldn't mislead us, would they?

GOAL! @ZachSenyshyn between the legs dandy. Hawel and Tokarev get the apples. 1-1 game. @northernchiropt time of the goal 6:35

— Soo Greyhounds (@OHLHoundPower) December 3, 2015