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Boston Bruins Forward Patrice Bergeron Played Entire 2016-17 Season Injured

If it wasn’t already clear, Boston Bruins’ forward Patrice Bergeron is as tough as they come. After finishing the 2013 Stanley Cup Finals with a punctured lung and broken ribs, many realized how much pain the veteran was willing to withstand to make a playoff push for his teammates. This season, however, things were different. Bergeron not only played through the postseason injured, but through the entire regular season as well. As he mentioned today, Bergeron played through the entire 2016-17 season with a sports hernia injury that may require offseason surgery to correct.

While many were curious about why Bergeron’s start to the season was uncharacteristically slow, the star center finally broke out in the second half of the season, closing the year out with 21 goals and 53 points in 79 games.