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Orioles pitcher Don Stanhouse was a 'flake,' but 'pretty on the inside'

Call them flakes, misfits or screwballs. They are athletes whose offbeat antics mystify teammates and fascinate fans and, over three centuries, Baltimore has been blessed with its share. The Baltimore Sun is counting down The Daffy Dozen, the 12 most memorable characters in the city’s sports lore. Today’s oddball, No. 9, is former Orioles pitcher Don Stanhouse, who pitched for the team from 1978-1979 and in 1982.

He had Harpo Marx hair, kept a stuffed gorilla atop his locker and uncorked a harrowing scream before each game. "Stan The Man Unusual," teammate Mike Flanagan called him, so Don Stanhouse had T-shirts made with that moniker and a likeness of himself sticking out his tongue.