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What NOT To Bring Into Our Galaxy On Star Wars Night

At this moment, in a galaxy very near to you, Star Wars Night is coming to Philips Arena. We sense great potential in you. Dress up, you should! But beware: The Force will not be with you if you break arena guidelines.

The following may not be brought into our galaxy:

- Weapons (guns, knives, pepper spray, mace, chains, spiked bracelets, brass knuckles, blasters, etc.)
- Masks (sorry Darth)
- Backpacks or large bags (no sneaking Yoda in)
- Outside food or beverages
- Air horns, electric noise makers or vuvuzelas
- Illegal drugs or paraphernalia
- Fireworks
- Silly string or projectiles
- Laser light pointers (or real lightsabers)
- Professional cameras, audio and video recording devices

Philips Arena Management reserves the right to prohibit other items as deemed necessary.