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Josh Andrews reportedly getting a lot of early run at left guard

It seems like the left guard job features some intrigue every year for the Falcons, at least since Andy Levitre retired. He hung up his cleats after an injury-wracked 2018 season, and each of the past two years, James Carpenter ended up winning the gig and playing most of the season at the position. That wasn’t exactly the most exciting outcome either time, but both times Carpenter had competition from the likes of Matt Hennessy, Matt Gono and Justin McCray (2020) and Jamon Brown (2019).

This year, the makeup of the competition has changed significantly. Carpenter was cut, veteran Josh Andrews was signed, and the Falcons drafted Jalen Mayfield and Drew Dalman to go up against Gono, Hennessy, Willie Wright and Willie Beavers.