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A Growing Rift Between Michael Bidwill and Steve Keim?

Michael Bidwill has always seemed very proud of Steve Keim’s ascension from Cardinals’ scout to GM and has applauded all of Keim’s successes along the way. But, in light of what has transpired this year, starting with Bruce Arians’ “retirement,” the hiring of the Anti-BA in Steve Wilks, the paring of Wilks with Mike McCoy, the backlash from the release of the Honey Badger, the signing of QB Sam Bradford, the drafting of a QBOF without a clear plan of how to develop him, Steve Keim’s mid-summer arrest, Keim’s five week suspension during training camp and a miserable 3-11 season where the Cardinals’ -175 point differential is on a par with the winless 2017 Cleveland Browns’—-perhaps there are enough reasons to believe that there is a growing rift at the top of the organization between Bidwill and Keim.