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'I Am Cait' recap: It's the return of Bruce — and almost the return of Kris

In the penultimate episode of "I Am Cait," two names loomed large: Bruce Jenner and Kris Jenner.

As the eight-part E! docu-series cruises in for a landing, the meeting between exes Kris and Caitlyn is being positioned as a major payoff in next week's finale. And why not! Our heroine Cait will, as promised, go up against her ex-wife, whom we've been led to believe has ignored her transitioning former mate -- father to two of her girls -- for the past year.

Not a call, not a peep, nothing. Kris hasn't even met Caitlyn. And when she does, she'll probably do something lame, like notice Cait's shoes, or bring a box of cookies.