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Counter: Charcoal, Target beer and Frito pie

Related Topics: Jonathan Gold, Beer, Russ Parsons, Fritos, Pie

To recap: It's September, it's too hot, there are a lot more restaurants opening, The Taste is over (check out some of our favorite dishes) and Jonathan Gold has closed his office door while he works on his list of 101 best restaurants (out November, if you're wondering), so he'll be taking a short break from writing reviews. You can always read all the old ones — we'll put some of our favorites up on Facebook, just to make it easier for you.

This week, we've been checking out a lot of those new restaurants, including Josiah Citrin's place, a tiny Korean restaurant hidden in a crappy strip mall, a food truck specializing in Frito pie and a Middle Eastern restaurant in Pasadena that has mantee and Ryan Gosling hummus memes.