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May 20, 2024

The 2024 schedule for the Baltimore Ravens was just released on May 15th and despite the nervousness of many fans regarding the level of difficulty the schedule presents, the excitement it garnered is far greater.

Much of this excitement surrounds the rematch between Baltimore and Kansas City after the incredibly disappointing outcome of last season’s conference championship game for Lamar supporters and Mahomes detractors alike. While a couple of things are theorized to account for Baltimore’s loss, such as the chosen referee being none other than Shawn Smith, a man known for favoring the visiting team which in this case was the Chiefs, or the more conspiratorial belief that the NFL scriptwriters were working in the Chiefs favor to ensure the increased viewership Taylor Swift’s appearance at the Super Bowl would bring, the overall success of Baltimore’s 2024 draft class, with up-and-coming star players like Nate Wiggins and Roger Rosengarten, and the highly anticipated addition of Heisman winner Derrick Henry give the Ravens a newfound strength that exceeds their team’s already established power.